Wash Day

It’s important to have a wash day to keep our hair hydrated. Shampoos strip our hair; making it a lot more fragile. There’s a couple different ways you can condition your hair and help it to retain moisture. These methods will help to coat your strands, minimize frizz and making it a lot easier to detangle your hair.

The most important part is the “Pre-Poo” (pre-shampoo treatment consisting of a water based conditioner) and this will help with any dryness, breakage and brittle frizzy hair. This step is very important because the shampoo strips your hair as it cleans.when we pre-poo; we build up the moisture and train our hair to retain moisture. You can leave the pre-poo on under a plastic cap from anywhere between 20 minutes to over night. This will also help you to detangle your hair before you wash.

I highly recommend washing your hair under cold water; I know this sounds crazy to everyone who washes in the shower. The cold water helps to close the cuticles; sealing in the moisture from your conditioner. Hot water leaves your hair porous; causing it to become dry and brittle. I have been washing my hair under cold water for a while now; just take a step back and flip your hair under the cold water. If it’s too much for you then start on warm water and gradually go colder.

Instead on using a towel that pulls and snaps your hair; use a cotton t-shirt or one of those special hair towels. A change in towels makes a big difference in how much frizz you would like. If you can’t find a shirt big enough; try using a clip to hold it in place.

The next step is the deep conditioning treatment; this is optional but if your hair could use more moisture then I highly recommend it. The instructions say to apply the deep conditioning treatment on clean hair. You can keep this on however long you feel is necessary. I usually put back on my plastic cap and walk around the house in my robe until I feel it’s time to wash.

Instead of washing with shampoo; I recommend using a co-wash (conditioner only washing). Since we are putting this deep conditioner on clean hair; we don’t want to lose any moisture by washing it away with shampoos. The co-wash will help us to wash away the product and not strip our hair from the moisture. Your hair is going to feel amazing after this and well worth the hours spent.

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